Friday, March 7, 2008

Learning to Love Running- Sri Chinmoy’s Inspiration

There are certain aspects of our being do not like to put out the effort and the adjustments we must make as well as the sacrifice of our 'comfort zone', to go out and run. Also, once we do get over the mental and physical hurdles that prevent us from running if we are capable of doing so, it may be difficult to describe the wonderful experiences we get, during our runs and even after we finish.

What is the best way to understand the fragrance and beauty of a flower, or the delicious taste of a fruit? It is not through the mind’s explanations or through detailed words. We have to experience them for ourselves, through the act of smelling, of tasting, or of running, to truly understand the beauty and joy that they offer. One reason why Sri Chinmoy has encouraged many of us to run was because he knew of the joy that resulted from it even through all the discipline and sometimes unenjoyable efforts and pains that had to be experienced along with it, like the rose having its thorns.

If we run with the proper attitude, with a spiritual approach, and to please the Supreme Being who resides in our bodies, minds and hearts, then we find it to be another great opportunity to make spiritual progress while also reaping the fitness and health benefits. I cannot convince anyone of the ‘unimaginable joy experience’ as Sri Chinmoy says in one of his running songs, that we can get for our heart and soul through running. It is by getting past the lethargy of the mind and body and patiently developing the strength in the will and in the body to get out regularly and run, whether it is easy or hard running. Most of my running is easy and that is why I have endured through 35 years of running and racing. But I attribute most of my longevity in running to my love of running and racing, encouraged and inspired by my Guru, Sri Chinmoy.

I am thrilled to be able to inspire others, especially young, strong and promising runners to get out and train and even enjoy the thrill of racing. Sri Chinmoy loved track racing in his youth in the Ashram as we all know. But it wasn’t until 1978 when he was 47 years old that he started long distance training and racing in 1979. A 47 year old Spiritual Master does not need to discipline himself in the ways of long distance running or to make the commitment and efforts it takes to race marathons and many other distances. But Sri Chinmoy did just that, mostly to inspire us to do the same, but also to experience the outer joys of the long distance running disciplines.

I have been researching Sri Chinmoy’s racing experiences and I am writing an article about his running for the April issue of ‘Self-Transcendence-Fragrance Sports’, which will come out next month. I am getting tremendous inspiration from seeing all the races and knowing a little about the training that Sri Chinmoy did in the nine or ten years he dedicated to middle and long distance running and racing. I am sure that this magazine, which will be dedicated solely to Sri Chinmoy’s personal sports, will inspire all of us, no matter what age, gender or capacity, to get out and discipline our lethargic bodies in ways that will surprise us and benefit our spiritual lives.

Just as a little teaser, I can tell you that Sri Chinmoy ran about 268 races [unofficial stat] mostly from 1979 to 1986 and again in 1994 thru 1996. During that time he also spent countless hours training on the roads and at home with other types of exercises. Since 1985 he also spent lots of hours weightlifting as well.

I will tell much more about his running during this time in the magazine next month. The act of researching and writing about Sri Chinmoy’s running and racing mostly has inspired me tremendously and inspires me to get out and race more. He has run 22 marathons, 5 Ultras, over 75 two-mile races and countless other races as well in 10 years of running. If was able to do it, especially at the time and at the age that he did run so much, then what is wrong with us?

So try to get out there on a regular basis, at least four or five days a week if not more, to really find out what running has to offer in the ways of spiritual and health benefits. If you are serious about marathons or other races you can refer to my training manual: ‘Seven Steps to a Successful Marathon’. You can find this online at

More to share later about the love of running,


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